One of the most distinctive features that separate living beings from nonliving things is how our body cells and different organs keep communicating to work in sync and harmony. Millions of signals are sent and received constantly by each cell in our body. These signals help us “feel” the things touching our skin and also enable us to feel pain if the signal is highly intense. Peripheral nerves are responsible for carrying out these signals or messages from the skin, organs, and muscles to the brain and spinal cord. If there is damage to those nerves for any reason, it leads to neuropathy. It can lead to numbness and loss of sensation and sometimes to the firing of wrong signals.Visit here

What are the types of neuropathy? 

The damage may sometimes be at different places or of the same magnitude. Neuropathy has been classified into different categories depending on the location and level of damage.

  1. If there is damage to the nerves that carry out your body movements, then that type of neuropathy is classified as motor neuropathy. This type of neuropathy may lead to partial or complete paralysis. Depending on the severity of the damage, paralysis can be temporary or permanent.
  2. There are sensory nerves in the body which help you detect light, touch, temperature changes, etc. If there is damage to this kind of nerve, it can lead to sensory neuropathy. In this type of neuropathy, although people can move their bodies normally, they cannot feel things such as hot, cold, or pain and pleasure.
  3. There are certain functions you do subconsciously, such as breathing, pumping the heart, etc. If there is damage to those nerves, it can lead to automatic nerve neuropathy. This is one of the most harmful neuropathy as it can lead to death if life support in the absence of an external life support system.

Neuropathy: Types And Its Symptoms

What are the symptoms of neuropathy? 

There are multiple symptoms associated with neuropathy. A few of them are as follows:

  1. There is a tingling sensation in your body.
  2. Your fingers or such parts feel numb. They have less sensation as compared to normal conditions.
  3. If you are sweating extra or less than before.
  4. If you are facing difficulty emptying the bladder.
  5. If there is weakness in your muscles. Or you are getting muscle cramps.

There are various treatment options you may seek to get rid of this condition at the link mentioned above.